IFLA 2024 Summit on Future of Information in Brisbane, Australia


The IFLA Information Futures Summit 2024 was officially held from September 30 to October 4, 2024 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Center, Brisbane, Australia with the theme "Stronger together". The congress gathered more than 700 delegates attending in person, representing the library and information sector from more than 65 countries around the world. 36 main sessions with more than 60 lively discussions shared focused content about application of technology in the library sector, together strongly finding solutions to the information challenges that the library industry is facing today and in the future... In addition to the sessions taking place at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Center, the Organizing Committee also live-streamed the main sessions to promptly convey information to thousands of interested people around the world.

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Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dung, NLV Director at the IFLA Information Futures Summit 2024

The Vietnamese delegation led by Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dung, Director of the National Library of Viet Nam, actively participated in the programs and activities of the IFLA Summit 2024, especially the key sessions chaired by IFLA Governing Board and key professional committees:

- The Opening Session of the IFLA 2024 Summit featured a welcome speech by Ms. Baringa Barambah Meeanjinu, Chair of the Ningy Ningy Management Committee - the Turrbal and Gubbi Gubbi Aboriginal Community in Queensland, Australia; a welcome speech by Ms. Vicki McDonald, current IFLA President and Ms. Sharon Memis, IFLA Secretary General. The speeches reviewed the traditions and imprints of Australian Aboriginal people, emphasizing the role and position of libraries as the center of knowledge and community connection, where each individual receives knowledge democratically and equally, is creative, and develops their imagination to develop themselves. Each librarian and libraries need to be closely connected with each other, together create positive energy, and become stronger together to deal with the information challenges that the library industry has faced, is facing and will continue to face with.

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Ms. Vicki McDonald, IFLA President delivered the Opening Speech

- The 2024 Trend Report Session was moderated by Ms. Sharon Memis, IFLA Secretary General in an open and discussion-oriented atmosphere with the participation of experts and researchers. The report consists of two main elements, gatheringa collectionof trends identified based on a comprehensive review of the overall library sector, and future scenarios that the library sector may face. The Report also showslong-term issues shaping the future of information and potential scenarios for libraries of all types. Content of the Report focuses on the following aspects: A.I and other technologies are transforming society; Trust is being renegotiated; Skills and capabilities are becoming more complex; Digital Technology is unevenly distributed; Information Systems are using more resources; People increasingly crave community connection.

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Ms. Sharon Memis, IFLA Secretary General presented paper on IFLA 2024 Trend Report

- Main sessionsof the Conference focused on discussing key issues of the future library and information activities includingA.I as the central point andlibrary agencies' response to technological changes. Presentations from leading researchers and world library leaders focused on the following aspects: technology trends; information integration; dangers and challenges for libraries. Some outstanding presentation include "A.I and the rise of digital minions"; "How book lovers preserve books"; "Entering the era of Linguistics: Opportunities and challenges for Academic Archives" ...

- Open discussions and workshops at the IFLA Summit 2024 took place with the contribution of experienced speakers working in library information agencies and universities around the world. The discussion format was carried out in a concise manner, inspiring practical activists and people working directly in libraries and informationsector. The content expressed predictions about technology; library leadership and the future of information. Some outstanding presentations includes"A.I and Me"; "Aspects of library leadership"; "From trends to reality: How to work together"; "Equity in the digital society" ...

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Inspirational workshop held in parallel with the Conference

- The Session of Launching IFLA Strategy 2024-2029 was chaired by Vicki McDonald, IFLA President and Sharon Memis, IFLA Secretary General. The Strategy is a unified structure and direction for the work of IFLA's volunteer bodies and its management. Accordingly, the Strategy plays an important role in explaining IFLA missions, as well as planning for the 100th Anniversary of IFLA in 2027.

- The Closing Session featured highlights of the Summit, as well as presented the Brisbane Declaration as a supplement to the Trends Report based on the inputs ofSummit participants, which outlines the key principles and commitments around libraries’ approaches to the future of information and knowledge. Also at the closing session, the organizing committee announced the plans for the World Library and Information Congress 2025 (WLIC 2025), scheduled to be held in Astana, Kazakhstan from 18-22 August 2025.

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Representatives of the National Library of Kazakhstan received information about organizing WLIC 2025

Within the framework of the IFLA 2024 Summit, on October 3, 2024, the Vietnamese delegation attended the Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL) with the participation of 50 delegates representing 31 national libraries. Welcome speechby Ms. Marie-Louise Ayres,director of the National Library of Australia especially emphasized key results of the forum on such aspects ashuman resources, finance, operations, transparency and sustainability. The keynote speaker presented paperon key issue of "Cybersecurity Disaster" suggested response plans for leaders of national libraries; roundtable discussion identified problems and solutions of national libraries in the context of the ever-threatening threat of cyber security; discussed plans for the next Conferences...

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Panoramic view of the Conference of Directors of National Libraries

In parallel with the conference activities, the NLV delegation has had effective exchanges with international libraries and organizations such as: National Library Board of Singapore, National Diet Library of Japan, National Library of Korea, National Library of Poland, National Library of Australia, Queensland State Library, Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)...; actively participated in library field trips and activities to create connection points for the library staff community during the conference; visited the Exhibition of library equipment and products to learn about new library development solutions.

Some photos at the Conference:

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Some sessions, discussion panels, workshops at the IFLA Summit 2024

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Exchange with IFLA leaders and library colleagues from different countries

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Visiting the Exhibition of Library Equipment and Products

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Working with OCLC representatives on Viet Nam's plan to apply WebDewey in the near future.

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Visiting and working with the State Library of Queensland and the State Library of New South Wales (Australia)

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Flash mob activity of librarians to exchange books and raise charity funds on the sidelines of the Conference


News and photos: Nguyen Luong Ninh