Activities News

National Library of Viet Nam and International Organisation of La Francophonie organize Opening Ceremony of the Francophone Book Space

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To carry out the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism's Decision No. 2590/QD-BVHTTDL, dated September 16, 2020 on the approval of the Project “Francophone Book Space”; after a period of carrying out the work of signing MoU, receiving and performing technical processing for the donated books, on the morning of October 12, 2022, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) and the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) officially opened the Francophone Book Space at the NLV to meet the increasing demand for learning and researching materials in French of the community. The Francophone Book Space at the NLV was established with the support of OIF with an initial collection of more than 600 books in French. 50% of the collection are in the fields of social sciences economics, education, linguistic, applied sciences, health, agriculture, arts, sports, literature, and reference books; the remaining 50% are children books. Among them, there are such valuable books as: La Théo des fleuves by author Jean-Marc Turine, won the Five Continents Prize of the Francophonie (Vietnamese version is called “Người đàn bà Di gan” has been published in Viet Nam), or the comic series loved by many generations of children: Les Schtroumpfs, Spirou et Fantasio, Une aventure d'Astérix,…


Closing ceremony of the training course “Digitization of library materials serving Digital Transformation” for libraries in Southern region

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Following the training course to be held in Sa Pa town, Lao Cai province for libraries in Northern region, on October 5, 2022, in Rach Gia city, Kien Giang province, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) organized closing ceremony of the training course “Digital Transformation Program of the library sector to 2025 with a vision to 2030” for libraries from Da Nang to Southern region. This is the last training course, held from October 4 to 5, 2022 and is a part of the digitization training program for public libraries, university libraries, special libraries and armed forces libraries nationwide. Speaking at the conclusion and closing of the training course, Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga – Director of the National Library of Viet Nam highly appreciated the trainees’ serious learning process. Although trainees have to familiarize themselves with new techniques, they have grasped the lecture content relatively quick and convenient. Besides listening to the lecturers introducing basic and important contents about digitizing library materials, many trainees had profound discussions and exchanges, creating a lively, positive learning atmosphere, helping the acquisition of knowledge about digitization of library materials get the best results...


Training course “Digitization of library materials serving Digital Transformation” for libraries in Northern region

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To carry out the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism's Decision No. 2175/QD-BVHTTDL, dated July 23, 2021 on the implementation of the Plan “Digital Transformation Program of the library sector to 2025 with a vision to 2030”, from September 29 to 30, 2022, in Sa Pa town, Lao Cai province, the National Library of Viet Nam organized a training course on “Digitization of library materials serving digital transformation”. Currently, digital transformation is taking place at high speech, opening the door for countries to promote innovation and improve national competitiveness. In Viet Nam, the Digital National Transformation Program approved by the Prime Minister set the goals with a 10-year vision will comprehensively change the country. In library activities, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 206/QD-TTg dated February 11, 2021 on “Digital Transformation Program of the library sector to 2025 with a vision to 2030”. The program has strongly promoted awareness about the role and value of digital transformation.


Delegation of the Lao Military Library visits and works with the National Library of Viet Nam

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On the morning of September 20, 2022, a delegation of 10 comradesfrom the Lao Military Library, led by Lieutenant Colonel Khun Thong Tham Ma Vong – Deputy Director, paid a working visit and exchange experiences with the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV). Accompanying the delegation were representatives of the Viet Nam Military Library, Ms. Do Phuong Linh – Deputy Director. Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Anh – DeputyDirector of the National Library of Viet Namreceived the delegation. At the meeting, Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Anh expressed her pleasure to welcome the Lao Military Library delegation and spent time to briefly introduce the establishment and development history of the NLV over the last century, its main roles and mission, the information resources as well as the reading rooms system and information technology infrastructure.


Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina paid a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam

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On the morning of September 15, 2022, the Ambassador of the Republic of Argentinato Viet Nam, Mr. Luis Pablo María Beltramino paid a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV). Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga, Director of the NLV received the delegation. Ambassador Luis Pablo María Beltramino proposed a cooperative program between the Argentine Embassy and the National Library of Viet Nam in the near future in two main areas:  First, regarding library activities, the Ambassador proposed the possibility of bilateral cooperation between the National Library of Viet Nam and the National Library of Argentina. The Ambassador expressed his desire to act as a bridge for the two libraries to contact and exchange, and if possible, to sign a cooperation agreement as a basis for implementing cooperative activities in the future. Secondly, the Embassy of the Republic of Argentina would like that the National Library of Viet Nam, with its experience and on the basis of the existing cooperative tie with the Argentine Embassy, could collaborate with the Embassy to organize some cultural activities in the series of joint activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Viet Nam and Argentina in 2023.


Ambassador of the Republic of Mexico paid a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam

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On the afternoon of August 19, 2022, the Ambassador of the Republic of Mexico to Viet Nam, Mr. Alejandro Negrínpaid a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV). Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga, Director of the NLV received the delegation. Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga welcomed the idea of Ambassador Alejandro Negrín and affirmed that the National Library of Viet Nam is ready to cooperate with the Embassy of the Republic of Mexico in organizing cultural exchange events at the library to bring the rich and colorful culture of Mexico closer to the library’s users and the public. The two sides agreed to continue to discuss in more detail and have a specific implementation plan in the coming time.


Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus paid a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam

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Onthe afternoon of August 18, 2022, the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to VietNam, Mr. Vladimir Baravikov paid a working visit to the National Library of Viet Nam(NLV). Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga, Director of the NLV received the delegation. Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga welcomed the goodwill of Ambassador Vladimir Baravikov and affirmed that the NLV is willing to cooperate with the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in organizing cultural events at the library, bringing opportunity for library users in particular and the public, in general, to learn about the unique features of the culture, country, and people of Belarus. At the same time, she stressed that the activity is even more meaningful when it is held in the year of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations betweenthe two countries. The two sides then agreed to continue to discuss it in more detail and have a specific implementation plan in the coming time.


87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Dublin, Ireland

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From July 26 to 29, 2022, the 87th World Libraries and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA WLIC 87) has taken place in Dublin, Ireland. With the theme "Inspire, interact, exchange, and connect" the Congress attracted 1,934 attendees in person and 493 online, representing the information library sector of 96 nations worldwide. Due to the evolutionof the Covid-19 epidemic that still exists in some countries, the number of delegates and sessions this year was reduced, as was the length of the congress, which was shorter than normal. There were 160 sessions, 174 poster presentations on library achievements and practices, dozens of satellite conferences, seminars, open forums, and 50 exhibits showcasing library products and services. Because the Congress were held in both face-to-face and online modes, the organizing committee has broadcastedthe major sessions live to reach thousands of individuals across the world. This year, the sessions focused on the present and future concerns in the library industry's development, including exchanging experiences, best practices, and attempts to offer library services during the Covid-19 epidemic and the future of library activities.


Inauguration Ceremony of the Exhibiton “Arnold Schönberg and The New Viennese School”

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On July 8, 2022, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV) collaborated with the Austrian Embassy in Viet Nam to host the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition "Arnold Schönberg and the New School of Vienna". The exhibition "Arnold Schönberg and the New Viennese School" presents the audience to 12 large-format photographs documenting the life and career of Austrian composer Arnold Schönberg and his two finest students, Anton Webern and Alban Berg. Arnold Schönberg advanced music to a new level by creating a non-tonal musical language with a 12-tone technical system and establishing a separate movement and school in music history. He was a 20th-century avant-garde musician, the founder of the New Viennese School, and an acclaimed pedagogue who raised a generation of young gifted musicians for Europe and the world.


Inauguration Ceremony of the Exhibition "Hungarian National Assembly"

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On May 31, 2022, the National Library of Viet Nam (NLV), in partnership with the Hungarian Embassy in Viet Nam, conducted the opening ceremony of the photo exhibition "Hungarian National Assembly". The ceremony was co-chaired by Ms. Kieu Thuy Nga, Director of the National Library of Viet Nam, and Mr. Csaba Öry, Hungarian Ambassador to Viet Nam. The exhibition presents to the public ten large-format images (85x200cm) that reproduce the 140-year-old building history of the Hungarian National Assembly, stressing the architectural style, decorating, and contemporary functions of this building. The Hungarian National Assembly is renowned as one of the world's largest parliament buildings, built in 17 years (1885 - 1902), and more particularly, this work was made nearly exclusively using materials produced locally, defined by Hungarian nature and history. The work, which is the pride of the Hungarian people and country, has been designated by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site and has become an indispensable historical and cultural symbol of the Hungarian nation.

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